澳门百家乐论坛 (中国)有限公司官网

Service philosophy

Provides the whole process services of product development, production management, quality control, business marketing and after sale services, which makes effort to provide the quality product and service to boost " XJH" brand value and customer’s trust.

Target market

Make the best use of everything. Bearing can be used in wide fields.The main components’ preciseness, performance, longevity, reliability, and many other economic index in industry, agriculture, national defence,scientific and home appliance, are closely related with bearing. Be widely used in: Automobile,aviation, nuclear industry, steel, metallurgy, mine, electric power, chemical ,food supplies,textile, budilding, woodmaking, energy, crude oil, concrete, and paper making.

Trustworthiness Cooperation

Always holds the theory of faithful management, and practice an honest and trustable market rule, bases on the excellent sales team to build an honest sales network. "XJH" hopes to make friends with the world parteners to cooperate hand in hand, now we’ve has many famous companies to discuss business for our advaced bearing making.

Sustainable Development

Bearing is a great invention. It can make the industrial equipment run smoothly so as to reduce energy consumption greatly. That is to say, bearing is a environment friendly product from the very beginning.
XJH’s green theory: environment protection is a social responsibility. In every process from R&D, material choosing, manufacturing to sales and services, we should make best use of energy and material, and maintain the sustantial use of resources.
From the start, XJH has invested much capital in the founding of water filtration circulation system, waste water disposing and reclaiming equipent. So waste water in the manufacturing will be disposed, and reclaimed after it is up to some standards, which acheives zero emission of waster water. |
XJH implements 5S management method in the production works, that is Seirim, Seiton, Safety, Seikeetsu, and Shitsuke. Keep the working environment tidy and clean, and strictly specify the waste objects’allocation and reclaim, so as to create a healthy woek atmosphere

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