澳门百家乐论坛 (中国)有限公司官网

Company profile

Company profile

Xingchang Jinhui Joint Bearing Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005 by an excellent team whose people have over 10 years experience in spherical plain bearing industry, including designing engineer, manufacturing engineer and sales engineer.

The company area is 5000 square meters, producing capacity is 5,000,000 pcs/year for spherical plain bearing, provided with 10 specialized producing lines.And ISO9001 :2001 qualification has passed in April 2006.

With excellent team, we can supply high quality and almost all types of spherical plain bearing, we make standard spherical plain bearing, thrust plain bearing, angular contact plain bearings and so on, and dimension have metric, inch. The main series including: GE...ES;GE…ES-2RS;GEZ…ES;GEZ…ES-2RS;GEG…ES;GEG…ES-2RS;GE…LO;GE…HO-2RS;GE…UK;GE…FW;GE…UK-2RS;GE…FW-2RS;GAC…;GX…T. For the more, we also can offer as according to customers demand to design and manufacture, even if non-standard, strict purpose.

Over 90% of our products are sold to Europe and North America, good quality and competitive rates are praised by our clients. We always take enough attention to response from clients about price, quality, delivery time and so on. ~~Welcome to contact with us or visit our factory, we expect to establish the business relationship with all world customers.

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