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欄目:向心關節軸承 發布時間:2019-10-11

Tolerances for radial spherical plain bearings 
1>.向心關節軸承公差(除 PB, GEBJ…S外) Tolerances for radial spherical plain bearings(except for series PB...,GEBJ...S)


帶 * 號為 GE…LO 的公差 The deviations in the columns with symbol*apply to spherical plain bearings of series GE…LO.
外圈 Outer ring
2>.PB...公差 Tolerances for series PB…
內圈 Inner ring
外圈 Outer ring
3>. GEBJ...S 公差 Tolerances for series GEBJ...S,
內圈 Inner ring
外圈 Outer ring
尺寸和公差符號 The symbols of dimension and tolerance
d: 軸承公稱內徑。 Bearing bore diameter, nominal.
△dmp: 單一平面平均內徑偏差。 Single plane mean bore diameter deviation.
Vdp: 單一徑向平面內徑變動量。 Bore diameter variation in a single radial plane.
Vdmp: 平均內徑變動量: mean bore diameter variation.
△Bs: 內圈單一寬度偏差 .Deviation of a single width of the inner ring.
B: 內圈公稱寬度。 Width of inner ring, nominal.
D: 軸承公稱外徑。 Bearing outside diameter, nominal.
△Dmp: 單一平面平均外徑偏差。 Single plane mean outside diameter deviation.
VDp: 單一徑向平面外徑變動量。 Outside diameter variation in a single radial plane.
VDmp: 平均外徑變動量。 Mean outside diameter variation.
△Cs: 外圈單一寬度偏差。 Deviation of a single width of the outer ring.
C: 外圈公稱寬度。 Width of ourer ring, nominal.
△Ts: 角接觸關節軸承實際寬度偏差。 Actual deviation of width of the angular contact spherical plain bearing.
△Hs: 推力關節軸承實際高度偏差。 Actual deviation of height of the spherical plain thrust bearing.
hs,△h1s: 桿端關節軸承或球頭桿端關節軸承中心高偏差。 Center height deviation of rodends or ball joint rod ends.

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